Truth About Drugs - Friends of Narconcon

Preliminary Analysis

Narconon Drug Education Program Preliminary Analysis. Beckmann S and Chapman S. (1995) ERIC Education Resources


An early evaluation describes acceptance of individual Narconon drug prevention presentations by junior high and high school students. Schools could select from a series of topics designed to fit within one classroom period. Topics covered the effects of drug use, both mental and physical; specific drugs of abuse including marijuana, alcohol, and ecstasy; the long-term effects on attaining goals; the causes of addiction; and the responsibility of the individual in the use of drugs. Scare tactics are avoided and the presentation of information is interspersed with audience participation. This earlier format used trained live lecturers, many of whom were former drug abusers; these were developed into video format as the presentations evolved and became codified. An evaluation of these presentations was completed in 37 classes at 15 Los Angeles, California area schools. Students (N=1,045) completed questionnaires immediately following the conclusion of the presentation. Findings suggest that Narconon’s drug education program was effective in teaching students about the adverse consequences of drug abuse and had a very positive influence on the attitudes of students toward drugs. The most dramatic effect on attitude was observed in the borderline group of students—those indicating that they might use drugs in the future—with 86% of the students in this category indicating that they were less likely to use drugs following the presentation. Findings are reported in the areas of attitude toward drugs prior to the lecture, change in attitude following the lecture, education, preferred speaker, and current drug abuse.